Map & Driving Direction    var map = null; var pinID = 1; function GetMap() { map = new VEMap('myMap'); map.LoadMap(new VELatLong(42.842256,-84.569149), 15, 'r', false); AddPin(); } function AddPin() { var pin = new VEPushpin( pinID, map.GetCenter(), null, 'Garden Lee Chinese Restaurant', '' ); map.AddPushpin(pin); pinID++; } function FindLoc() { map.FindLocation(document.getElementById('txtWhere').value); } function GetDir() { map.GetRoute(document.getElementById('txtWhere').value,'13167 Schavey Rd, Dewitt Shopping Center, Dewitt, Michigan, 48820',null,null,onGotRoute); } function onGotRoute(route) { var routeinfo="Route info:\n\n"; routeinfo+="Total distance: "; routeinfo+= route.Itinerary.Distance+" "; routeinfo+= route.Itinerary.DistanceUnit+"\n"; var steps=""; var len = route.Itinerary.Segments.length; for(var i = 0; i < len ;i++) { steps+=route.Itinerary.Segments[i].Instruction+" -- ("; steps+=route.Itinerary.Segments[i].Distance+") "; steps+=route.Itinerary.DistanceUnit+"\n"; } routeinfo+="Steps:\n"+steps; alert(routeinfo); } function GetInfo() {AddPin(); alert('The top edge of the map on the Web page is at pixel: '+map.GetTop()); alert('The left edge of the map on the Web page is at pixel: '+map.GetLeft()); alert('The latitude,longitude at the center of the map is: '+map.GetCenter()); alert('The current zoom level of the map is: '+map.GetZoomLevel()); alert('The map control version is: '+VEMap.GetVersion()); }      Starting From: